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英语翻译神器,脑机界面大步前进:研究人员成功将大脑信号连接到智能手臂 - 控制智能手臂仅凭想象:科学家创造突破性脑-机界面


Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) have taken a great leap forward as researchers have successfully connected brain signals to a smart prosthetic arm. With this breakthrough, scientists have created a revolutionary BMI system that allows individuals to control a machine through their mind alone.

英语翻译神器,脑机界面大步前进:研究人员成功将大脑信号连接到智能手臂  - 控制智能手臂仅凭想象:科学家创造突破性脑-机界面

英语翻译神器,脑机界面大步前进:研究人员成功将大脑信号连接到智能手臂  - 控制智能手臂仅凭想象:科学家创造突破性脑-机界面

The process works by implanting electrodes into the user's brain that are connected to a computer interface. These electrodes detect the user's neural activity and convert it into digital signals that are then transmitted to the smart arm. The arm is equipped with sensors that can detect pressure, temperature and other tactile sensations, giving the user a sense of touch.

Through continuous training, the system learns to interpret the neural signals and translate them into specific movements of the prosthetic arm. This allows the user to manipulate the arm in a natural and intuitive manner, with the arm mirroring their thoughts and intentions.

This breakthrough has the potential to change the lives of individuals who have lost limbs or are paralyzed. It not only provides greater mobility, but also promotes greater independence and quality of life. Moreover, the system has potential applications beyond prosthetics, such as controlling drones or other machines that require fine motor control.

Although the technology is still in its infancy and further research is needed, the success of this breakthrough marks a significant step forward in the development of BMI systems. With continued advancement, we may one day see a world where mind-controlled machines are commonplace.